Saturday 12 January 2013

Quote For The Day

    "I'm not sure which side runs this Village!"
                    {the Prisoner 'Many Happy Retruns'}
   And that's the trouble, neither are we, even after 45 years! Although I'm of the opinion that it's the Prisoner's own people who have had him abducted and confined in the Village. After all two Colonels and Fortheringay turn up in the Village, and a third Colonel, along with Thorpe, are told of the Village's existence. I cannot believe that they are all traitors, as suggested in The Chimes of Big Ben,' the Village run by the Soviets behind the Iron Curtain. I know that there is no evidence that the Colonel in 'Many Happy Returns' is in the pocket of the Village. But I wonder just to what lengths the Colonel went to find his ex-colleague after he had disappeared for a second time?!


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