Thursday 17 January 2013

The Prisoner Club our own reporter investigates

    The First Ever Meeting Of the Newly Formed Prisoner Club.

    The meeting was held in a very unconvincing woodland setting. Special guests were Angela Browne-No.86, and Patrick McGoohan-the Prisoner himself.
   During the meeting there was much debate on the subject of the Prisoner, and here you can see the performance of a re-enactment of the Social Group meeting in the episode ‘A Change of Mind.’
    After lunch it was this oriental gentleman who proposed that Patrick McGoohan be elected as the club's Honorary President, much to Patrick's applause. The motion was seconded by a Moroccan gentleman, pictured here.
    So so after a unanimous show of hands Patrick McGoohan was duly voted in, democratically, as the Prisoner Club's Honorary President. Later in the afternoon Angela Browne, pictured here in a reconstruction of No.6's cottage 6 private, gave the group a lecture on her past work, and that of her current work with Unmutualism. Angela informed the group not to become Unmutuals, outcasts from society, a society which they helped form and shape.
    After the meeting everyone retired to a party in the Cat & Mouse nightclub for wine and a Pizza. I have to say, having spent the day with members of the Prisoner Club, that they seem to be a pretty harmless group of people. However in an interview with Patrick McGoohan-the Prisoner-No.6, he told me that he hoped that both the series and the club do not become cults. As cults can become dangerous, and fans something of a nuisance.
   And as for Angela Browne, she was very charming, and most feminine in that blue dress, rather than the slacks she wore earlier in the day. I asked Angela what she thought of the Prisoner Club? "I think it's marvellous, they are all doing so well. And if they were to invite me again, I would be more than happy to attend."

Your own reporter
Photographs by No.113b

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