Saturday 5 January 2013

The Therapy Zone

  "Numerology is any of many system, traditions, or beliefs in a mystical or esoterically relationship between numbers, physical objects, or living things."
     Way back in the 1980's, there was the theory that Patrick McGoohan was destined to play the role of the Prisoner-No.6/No.1 from the very time of his birth. This was concluded by the use of Numerology, and calculating the time of Patrick McGoohan's birth like this.

1+9+3+2+8 {ie 19th March 1928} =23,

  Well that's one way of doing it, another would be 1+9+3+1+9+2+8=33 3+3=6
These are but two ways to employ Numerology, there are many, another systems, and you can use a persons whole name, substituting the letters for numbers, as in Patrick Jospeh McGoohan.

16+1+20+18+9+3+11+10+15+19+5+16+8+13+3+7+15+15+8+1+14=214  2+1+4=7

   I am minded of Pierre Bezukhov, in War and Peace, and how he used the Bible, Numerology, and the number of the beast 666, to prove that his destiny was linked to that of Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte. Of course their destiny’s were not inter-locked. Bezukhov manipulated the numbers, by using a system which made the numbers add up to prove he was right about himself and Bonaparte.
   You will have observed how the top calculation has in fact been manipulated 2x3=6, when it should be 2+3=5 so there's no need for the calculation 3-2+1, which is another manipulation of the numbers, as it should always be plus, not multiplication, or to take away!

   In ‘Many Happy Returns’ opening sequence, we hear the usual dialogue between No.6 and the new No.2, the voice is male, and we see that it is a male sitting in the chair. So No.2-Mrs. Butterworth is not yet arrived in The Village to take up her position as the new No.2. Well what would be the point of bringing Mrs. Butterwoth to The village, then to simply transport her back to London to take up residence at No.1 Buckingham Place, Westminster, London. Had her identity been revealed during the opening sequence, then there would have been no surprise at the end of the episode. It would also have been a good effect had the Brass Band been playing "Happy birthday" to No.6 as he looked out of the window at those parading around the central Piazza.

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