Wednesday 2 January 2013


So...........THEPRIS6NER came and went with the minimum of fuss. No controversy, no claims to have been attacked in the street, having to run off to Wales, Switzerland, and then America...........I wonder what scriptwriter Bill Gallagher thinks about the reception his series received by long seasoned fans of the Prisoner. Somehow I think he didn't mind upsetting them, perhaps even he might have set out to do just that............Because in my opinion many fans of the Prisoner, yet not all, have become complacent, in need of having their cage rattled. Because just what is it that life time fans of the Prisoner still get out of a 43 year old television series? I myself still get immense enjoyment out of watching the series, and perhaps that is all these days. Well I arrived at an understanding of the series, which suits me, a good while ago. So you see I no longer sit here drawing on my pipe wondering who Number One is, because it's patently obvious who Number One is. In fact we are told who Number One is, not at the end of the series, but within the final few minutes of the opening sequence of Arrival.
    And writing about clues as to who One is, Six is the One!..........But according to Village history, there never was a number One, there has never been a number One, and there never will be..................but then how can Six be the One?............You see Bill Gallagher didn't answer all the questions in the final episode........I wonder if with Six being the One, that that can be transferred to the Prisoner, with No.6 not being the Number One, but the One? If No.6 had accepted the offer of ultimate power, I wonder what kind of Village he would have made it? I often think that in episodes like It's Your Funeral No.6 knew exactly what his other self would do, in instigating mass reprisals against the innocent citizens of The Village, So that No.6 was protecting the citizens against himself. But you see you need both sides of one nature, the good and bad, but dispensed in equal quantities. The One is weaker without the other you see, it's just a question of maintaining an equal balance of the Two...................

Breathe in....brezthe out.....more ....Village

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