Thursday 28 February 2013

60 Second Interview with No.1

No.113: It wasn't easy getting an interview with Number One. In fact the journey to this actual point had been a hard and difficult one. But I asked Number One what it had all been about?
    "Somehow I thiought you would look different soemhow, like me for example!"
    No.1: “Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,ha, ha, ha!”
    “Well if you could just stand still for a moment Number One. Perhaps you could tell the readers exactly who you are.”
    “Ha, ha,ha, ah, ha, ha ha."
    “Well obviously you are not physically Number Six's alter ego, even if you do look like him, that would be impossible.”
    “Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha."
    “So you must be Curtis who has gone doo lally, round the twist, mad!”
    “Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ."  
    “Alright, have it your own way. But if you ask me finding out that Number One is supposed to be Number Six was pretty disappointing, if not predictable such is the strength of the man's egomania. And in that, I reject both you and your Village!”

Reporter No.113
Photographer No.113b


  1. Revealing words indeed! Probably the best interview in years. Is No. 1 the real Village jester? - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,

      That's an interesting thought. And quite possibly the Village Jester would be the only one to get away with the things that needed to be said!

      Kind regards

  2. No. 1 = the Joker, No. 6 = Batman... Oh no, go away thought! - BCNU!

  3. hello Arno,

    Too late! Your thought has been written down in plain text! But just to add........ Perhaps the Butler = Robin?!

