Friday 1 February 2013

Caught On Camera

   The thing about No.6 is, if he's not getting into fights, he's upsetting people, people like No.8 here. Mind you if you will force yourself upon No.6, he's bound to bite back! Anyway this situation would never have occurred if No.8 hadn't been hypnotised into thinking she was in love with No.6, and he with her.
   Its no wonder No.6 had a go at No.8, she's not his type at all! And what's more, even No.8 would betray No.6 from his own folly, once she knew he was going to escape and she would lose him. But in the original script No.8 was to have been with No.6 aboard M.S. Polotska!
   Never trust a woman, especially those who have been hypnotised by love!


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