Sunday 17 February 2013

Caught On Camera!

   No, it's not Valerie French who draws our attention this time, although she has been the Village pin-up. Nor is the chap waiting at the bar for a drink. No, look at the young woman on the left of the picture, we have seen her before in a production photograph from 'Dance of the Dead.' However have we seen her before, during 'The Chimes of Big Ben,' possibly
standing in for Nadia Gray in the romance scene between No.6 and Nadia? It was the woman's hair that caught my attention in the picture. Perhaps she is a make-up artist or something. She is certainly about the right height for Nadia Gray.

Be seeing you


  1. Hello David,

    This is very interesting because it never occured to me that perhaps Nadia Gray could not be present when the romantc scene was filmed and so they used a substitute, assumed to be his daughter.

    Be in touch,

  2. Hello Anna,

    Camera operator Jack Lowen filmed that scene between Patrick McGoohan and Nadia Gray's stand-in for 'The Chimes of Big Ben,' but he said he couldn't remember who played the role of Nadia. I didn't think it was one of McGoohan's daughters, Jack Lowen would surely have remembered that, and of course there is the question of height. Besides McGoohan's daughters were very young at the time.
    Someone asked if it was Mrs Joan McGoohan, but Jack Lowen said he never remembered her being on set.

    Be seeing you

    1. Hello David,
      Ah - I see and yes,now that you have pointed it out,I guess his daughters were too young .So, in conclusion,he did not object to this mildly romantic scene with a woman?


    2. Hello Anna,

      Yes I only wish I had the answer!
      In 'The Schizoid Man' instead of the mind reading act in No.2's office with Alison to discover the real No.6, No.24-Alison was supposed to have kissed each No.6 in turn to tell which No.6 is the real one and which the economy pack. But McGoohan had the scene so to employ the cards instead of kissing. After all the original scene would have meant McGoohan having to kiss Jane Merrow twice, unless he called in Frank Maher to stand in for him!

      Be seeing you
