Saturday 16 February 2013

The Blue Dispenser

    Bargain Hunt is a British television programme in which two pairs of contestants are challenged to buy antiques at a fair and then sell them in an auction for a profit.
   Why am I telling you that? Because yesterday, February 15th, David and Peter Shillingford both appeared together on the programme.
    My ears suddenly pricked up when th programmes presenter Tim Wonnacott was interviewing the contestants. Peter said that he worked in the film business at Pinewood film studios. Both brothers had started as Clapper Boys. Then Tim turned to David {pictured here with Tim Wonnacott} and said that he understood that this was his first time in front of the camera. David said that his first ever job was as a Clapper Boy was on 'the Prisoner."
Be seeing you


  1. And in order to complete this matter, David and Peter S. went to the Prisoner convention in 2011 as ordinary visitors, just out of curiosity to have a look. Soon they found themselves entangled in what turned into a veritable guest of honour role as soon as it became evident that David had been the clapper boy on The Prisoner and in Portmeirion and Peter, some time later, had worked with Alexis Kanner and also Justine Lord (who was guest star then) as a film director. Subsequently they were invited again for the 2012 convention where they told about their work. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,

      Thank you for the additional information, which I'm sure the readers will appreciate.
      I was aware that David and Peter Shillingford had attended a 'Prisoner' Convention. However here I was simply making note of the observation that they had both appeared in 'Bargain Hunt.'

      Very kind regards
      Be seeing you
