Saturday 9 February 2013

The Cage = Freedom and Escape!

    The cage in 'Once Upon A Time' can be seen in two ways, that of a prison, represented by the iron bars.  
And yet it can represent freedom, seeing as the cage is able to move, one could go anywhere in it, thus a way of escape. In this way the cage, which can move was in all probability intended for No.1, but who would drive it? Perhaps the Butler, seeing as how the pedals of accelerator, brake, and clutch must have been adapted for his little legs. And besides, if the Butler had not been the intended driver of the Scammell Highway Transporter lorry, how did he know the lorry was there in the first place?
   Have you observed how No.1 and No.6 escape the Village at precisely the same moment? No.6 in the cage aboard the lorry, and No.1 sealed in the nose cone of the rocket! Yes, both could be said of being in their own prison, in the cage and trapped aboard the rocket!
    No.6 said he wanted to be the first man on the Moon! Reality wise, somehow I don't think the rocket with No.1 aboard would have reached the Moon, but then in fiction anything is possible.
   But let us pause and consider for a moment. What if No.6 and his fellow confederates armed rebellion in 'Fall Out' had failed, that all of them had been captured. You will recall how there are three 'Orbit Tubes' in the rocket, Orbit 2, Orbit 48 and the third un-numbered orbit Tube which could have been Orbit 6. So, with the three men sealed in their Orbit Tube the rocket would have blasted off, but without No.1 on board. No.1 would then have been left to escape the Village in the cage aboard the transporter, driven by the Butler. What fate would have befallen No.'s 2, 6, and 48 we will never know, one can only speculate about that. It might be that No.6 might have reached the Moon, or have been lost in space. Then again, the rocket would have attained an "orbit" around the Earth. An orbit which in time would begin to deteriorate, then the rocket, and those aboard, still sealed in their orbit Tubes, would burn up in an uncontrolled re-entry! But what of  No.1? Well the end effect would not vary that much, it would be very much the same. No.1's arrival home to No.1 Buckingham Place in London, with the Butler in tow, would not have varied very much from how we actually see No.6 return to his home. And then to climb into his Lotus 7 and drive off for 'the Prisoner' to begin all over again!

Be seeing you

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