Sunday 10 February 2013

The Therapy Zone

    “Try the boat. She's great in any weather, sailed her many a time. Have a good trip” sdaid the ex-Admiral-No.66.
   Well I can tell you that here in Loughborough, on the Great Union Canal, we have our own "Stone Boat." A friend came to pay us a visit last year, he is a fan of Prisoner, so the wife and I took him along the Great Union Canal to show him the "Stone Boat."
   He looked, and looked, and looked, but failed to see the said Stone Boat which was right in front of him, so we actually pointed it out to him the Stone Boat - "T.S. Venomous."

Point Of Observation
  Apart from two specific instances, in Arrival when he's laying out the Prisoner's breakfast, and during ‘The Schizoid Man’ when he's giving No.2 a massage, the butler never takes off his gloves!

   If No.1 is supposed to be the alter-ego of No.6, the darker side to his nature, then I should think that No.1 knew the reason behind the Prisoner's resignation long before he was brought to the Village. But having brought the Prisoner-No.6 to the Village, perhaps for darker motivations, so as to break his alter-ego in No.6. So as to stop his resigning from the Village in the first place.

    Free for All - When this episode was first broadcast in Great Britain, the violent scene near the end - in which Number Six is badly beaten up in the cave where men sit worshipping the Village Guardian, or being indoctrinated by it, by two mechanics - was not aired. The scene now included in most broadcasts, is on Video  and DVD. It is a remarkable scene, primarily because of this strange "Rover" cult. In no other episode will Villagers interact with "Rover" in such a mysterious way. The ritual is never explained.
    ‘The Chimes of Big Ben’ - The surprise but inevitable ending makes the viewer re-think what has transpired during the episode. Nadia was a plant, something No.6 would later be accused of in the series, Number Six's escape was encouraged by The Village authorities in order to extract information. The location of The Village remains uncertain. However, we know now that two of Number Six's former British ex-colleagues, are not only aware of his incarceration, but are actively involved in it.
    ‘Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling’ - This is the only episode that has any affectionate embrace between No.6 and a woman. That's as maybe, but Number Six's mind is supposed to be housed in another mans body, and so it's not Patrick McGoohan in the embrace, but Nigel Stock. Lucky for McGoohan as he had a problem with physical intimacy on-screen, unlucky you might say for Zena Walker!

Be seeing you

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