Monday 11 February 2013

The Therapy Zone

    For me, I like ‘The Chimes of Big Ben,’ old Fotheringay seems really excited at the prospect of seeing his old colleague and friend No.6 again. Or could it be that he's looking forward to his brief visit to The Village? In any case that Nadia Rakovski seems to be quite believable, I'm sure that No.6 is not the first man to be taken in by her, she's good at her job, but I cannot make up my mind if she was genuinely warming to No.6 in the crate or not.
   I think No.6's head had been turned not by a pretty face, but by the information Nadia has, the whereabouts of The Village! Mind you shouldn't No.6 have become suspicious when that chap Karel, Nadia's contact man was waiting for them at that cave supposedly somewhere on the Polish coast? After all what was he doing there? From No.6's point of view it had been impossible for Nadia to contact this man from The Village. Perhaps Karel had simply been waiting at that cave on the off-chance of Nadia turning up! But I expect No.6 was in too much of a hurry to get away so as to question how Nadia had been able to contact her contact-man from The Village!
    From the viewers viewpoint of course, Karel, the man at the cave is The Villages "post five," who No.2 had the Supervisor-No.28 contact to let him know that No.6 and Nadia are on their way.
   As for the Colonel, he seems to me to be a rather obnoxious, and objectionable man, who doesn't suffer fools gladly, and treats No.6 with scepticism, and sarcasm. And has a very jaundiced view of his ex-colleagues report, yet knows that The Village exists just outside his replica office!

    Number Six greets a woman whose paths cross soon after his meeting with the Committee at the Town Hall in ‘A Change of Mind,’ "Lovely day Number Sixty-four." Following this, is Number Sixty-four's unmutual behaviour towards number Six! The fact that she ignored Number Six's greeting!
  I wonder if Number Sixty-four was later brought before the Committee for this act of unmutualism? After all Number Forty-two was brought to the Committees attention for the same act. That of ignoring Number Tens greeting!

    It was debated whether or not the Prisoner actually owned the contents of my house in London. My, my, people do find the Prisoner fascinating, wouldn't you say? If he could speak out in his own defence he might say something like “haven't these people got a life of their own?” I understand as part of that debate the question was raised about how the Prisoner, as a Civil Servant earning some £50 a week, could even afford the lease on 1 Buckingham Place. Well the Prisoner likes to mind my own business, and he expect others to mind theirs! I wouldn't be surprised if people think the Prisoner to have been on "the take," perhaps a double agent, so as to be able to afford to live in such a house in Westminster, London. And all those fine possessions. Well the Prisoner was not on the take, nor a double agent, seeing that he was still loyal even after having handed in his resignation! As to the question of whether or not the Prisoner owned the contents of his house, well I think Mrs Butterworth answered that one for you. As when she took over the lease, it came with a full inventory of the houses contents!

Be seeing you

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