Wednesday 6 February 2013

The Therapy Zone

   For years fans of the Prisoner were of the opinion that when Number 6 put this message in the personal column of the next issue of The Tally Ho "Hay mas mal enel aldea que se suena", he had been overcharged. "Nine words. That's three units Sir."
   Well I could see how fans thought Number 6 had actually been over charged for 8 words. But then it struck me. The fans had made the mistake with the Spanish word "enel", as fans had made two words out of the one "en el".
    Originally in the script when No.6 pays a second visit to the General store he asks for a small note book and a roll of adhesive tape. The tape would be used to fix the coded message to the pigeon's leg. In the episode the pigeon had a ring attached to its leg. Which means there's actually a pigeon fancier living in the village. Either that or the bird is a racing pigeon miles off course!
    Also in the original script, instead of No.14 following No.6 through the village towards the Stoneboat, where No.6 eventually hides the white envelope he's carrying, No.6 is followed through the village by No.14 but first to the Cafe, and then to the stagecoach which is positioned near the electronic "Free Information" board you see in Arrival and Free For All, you can just see the stagecoach in those scenes.
   No.6 opens the door to the stagecoach and climbs inside and looks round the moonlit interior. He takes the envelope from his pocket, lifts the squab {the seat cushion} and puts the envelope underneath it. Then he leaves. No.14 reports to No.2 over the walkie-talkie, No.14: "He's come out Sir. He's heading towards the house." No.2 "Let him go. Wait for me at the stagecoach."
    No.2 moves off quickly to join No.14 at the Stagecoach. On the way No.6 passes the fish pond and is forced to hide as No.2 passes him. No.6 smiles to himself, and then walks on. At the stagecoach No.14 is waiting as No.2 approaches. "No.2 "He must have left it in here. Give me the torch."
   This scene had to be changed as the stagecoach had by this time been removed from its location, to the workshops in order to have restoration work carried out on it.

Page 6
    You know they say that No.6 paces up and down the floor of my cottage, as you might see it, but I see it as a cell, like a caged Tiger. Well they could be right. But he do that when he's restless, the door being locked and he can't get out. Its that blasted curfew you see, I mean who is going to start a fire here....... no don't tempt him!
   H did manage to get out one night. Well the cat was lying on my bed and he didn't like to disturb it, and when he laid down on my recliner this seductive female voice started to lull me to sleep. Well of course No.6 was having none of that, so finding the French door unlocked, out he went and spent the night on the beach. If he hadn't No.6 might not have found that body washed up on the beach by the tide. Nor would he have found the radio in the dead man's pocket, and it was because of that radio message that sent No.6 down onto the beach, the evening of the Ball, looking for a sign from my world. But there wasn't any sign, not a light, boat, nor plane.
    No.6 don't want flowers, he don't sign my number, and what's more No.6 is kind to animals, stick that in his file why don't you?

Dangerous Moments
    Here he is, Mr. X, Number 6, Patrick McGoohan, call him what you like, it's still a Dangerous moment.
    As he clings on like grim death to the girls helicopter during the flight during the episode The Girl Who was Death. It must have been deafening, the noise from that engine, and of course there was the ever present danger of falling off. Together with those rotor blades rotating just above his head........

Be seeing you

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