Sunday 3 March 2013

A Favourite Scene In The Prisoner

   No.6 asks No.2 to let him out. No.2 asks No.6 "Why did you resign?"
   "For peace."
   "For peace? You resigned for peace."
   "Yes let me out."
   "You're a fool!"
   "For peace of mind!"
   "For peace of mind
   "Too many people know too much."
   "I know too much."
   "I know too much about you!"
   "You do?"
   "I do."
   "No don't."
   "I know you."
   "Who am I?"
   "You are an enemy!"
   "I'm on your side."
   "Why did you resign?"
   "You've been told."
   "Tell me again."
   "I know you."
   "You're smart."
   "In my mind, in my mind you're smart!"
   "Why did you resign?"
   "Yeah you see."
   "Know who you are?"
   "Who am I?"
  "A fool."
  "No, no don't."
  "Yes, an idiot."
  "No, no. I'll kill you!"
  "I'll die!"

   At one point No.6 actually tells No.2 why he resigned, and then he wanted letting out! Perhaps No.6 in having given the reason as to why he resigned, saw himself then free to go, not simply to be let out of the cage, his prison, but to actually leave the Village!
  And did No.6 know No.2 in his previous life? In 'Fall Out' No.2 returns to his place of employment in the Houses of Parliament, via the Peers entrance. In the opening sequence the Prisoner parks his car in an underground car park just a stones throw away from the Houses of Parliament. So is that where the office is where the Prisoner handed in his resignation, in the Houses of Parliament? Well surely you didn't think the office was at the end of that dark tunnel somewhere in that underground car park.....did you?

Be seeing you

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