Thursday 7 March 2013

Caught In the Spotlight our own reporter investigates

     The spotlight more often than not is upon the Prisoner-No.6, seen here as himself dressed in his own clothes, well he's happier that way it seems.
   There is much to this man that is an enigma. Even as a child there was something in his brain which was a puzzlement! But at least we did learn one thing, the reason behind his act of resignation - that is was a matter of conscience, as well as for peace of mind because too many people know too much, he certainly knew too much about No.2 and told him so - to his face and saw him as an enemy at the same time!
   The Prisoner was originally brought to the village because he had resigned from his highly secret, and confidential job, or was he? Yes, No.2 wanted to know why No.6 had resigned, but as he once said "If he will only tell us why he resigned, all the rest would follow." So the reason why No.6 resigned was really only a starting point from which to gain all the other important knowledge inside his head, to be extracted rather than protected!
   Whilst here No.6 is not induced into taking up a working position, when at the Labour Exchange which when not being conditioned, under threat of being posted Unmutal, undergoing a Leucotomy, in a hallucinatory drugged state of mind, tranquillised, running for office in the elections, trying to escape, attempting to bring down the village from within, or being put on trial. Undermining No.2, intervening in an assassination plot, and generally poking his nose in where it's not wanted. Working out in the village gymnasium, or his own private gymnasium in the woods, there's his semi weekly Kosho practice, chess matches down on the lawn of the Old People's Home, No.6 would have a good deal of spare time on his hands
   Yet as time goes on it is somehow decided that they don't want to break No.6, that the "tissue" must not be damaged. they don't want a man of fragments, he is not like the others, he must be "Won over." And then having survived the ultimate test of Degree Absolute, he is then not to be called No.6 or indeed any number at all "Sir" is his new title. And the reason behind his resignation no longer seems to matter to the Assembly, as "Sir" is offered ultimate power, and the chance to meet No.1. But it avails him nothing. Because you see No.6 is just as much a prisoner at the end as he is at the beginning, just like you and me really. Except that the spotlight is more on No.6 than it is us, which is just as well really. Because there's nothing wrong with living a quiet existence, I've found that no-one bothers you much that way.

your own reporter
Be seeing you

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