Friday 1 March 2013

Caught On Camera

   The woman in the background, who's she? I don't recall seeing her in the Colonel's office! Hang on a minute, that's not that Doris Martin is it? Who's Doris Martin I hear you ask. She was one of the people responsible for continuity on the production of ‘the Prisoner.’ 
What's That Patrick McGoohan Up To?
   I don't recall No.6 smoking at any time during‘The Chimes of Big Ben,’ well that's because this is a production photograph. So what's Pat seeing on that strip of 35mm film? Yes I was right, the time's 8o'clock, No.6's watch says 8 o'clock despite there being one hours difference between English and Polish time. But on the other hand………
   “There's the lorry, the crate being loaded aboard a ship with Nadia and me inside the crate. Then the crate being loaded on board a cargo plane, to finally arrive here in the Colonel's office. Just a minute! I don’t damned well believe it! Doris who forgot to put a crate in back of that blessed lorry!”



  1. Perhaps McGoohan was counting out time, the film frames per second, that he believed he'd have available before the show was canceled... Hypothesis only of course ;-) - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,

      Hypothesis it may be, but I like the thinking behind it!

      Kind regards
