Sunday 10 March 2013

No.6 Still All At Sea!

    And so today is the 18th day at sea for No.6. He's been keeping a school-boy log, but what's that roll of film doing out of it's sealed polythene bag? If a nasty wave comes along and rocks the raft, that valuable roll of film, evidence of the Village, could simply roll overboard!
   But what about No.6? He's doing remarkably well. But surely the man must be close to exhaustion. Wet, cold, tired, fighting his only two enemies, the sea and the elements. I wonder just where he is now, aboard his open raft? Well as a matter of fact I do have some idea, having made a rough calculation. But that is only because of the known search area shown towards the end of the episode. I'm sure you can work it out for yourselves.

Be seeing you

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