Saturday 2 March 2013

Pat And Frank - The Schizoid Men!

    Pat "So Frank, I'm Number Six, and you are the guy who is trying to prove me wrong!"
    Frank "So who am I?"
    "You're Number Six."
    "I'm Number 6?"
    "But you said that you're Number Six."
    "That's right, I'm Number 6."
    "But we can't both be Number Six!"
    "That's the crux of the matter Frank, You're not Number 6!"
    "But you said I was."
    "You are Number Twelve who is impersonating Number Six."
    "So I'm Number Twelve pretending to be Number Six."
    "That's right Frank, so now can we get on with the target shooting scene?"
    Frank "Ah, now just a minute! Who am I supposed to be now?"
    Pat "We've simply swapped blazers for this scene so that I can be you, and you can be me, and now you don't know who you are?"
    "So I'm Number Twelve who is impersonating Number 6, is that right?"
    "No, I'm Number Twelve who is impersonating Number Six."
    "So who am I supposed to be now?"
    "You are Number Six, who has been conditioned to think that he is Number Twelve, who later we discover is Curtis."
    "So Curtis is Number Twelve!"
    "And it's this Curtis chappie who has been going about impersonating Number Six!"
    "That's right."
    "So I'm Curtis?"
    "No I'm Curtis, he's the one wearing the cream blazer with black piping."
    "I see, no I don't! Earlier I was wearing the cream blazer with black piping, so was I Curtis then?"
    "Curtis who is impersonating Number Six, who had been conditioned to think that he is Number Twelve, who is really Curtis!?"
    "I am Curtis-Number twelve now, and you were playing Curtis-Number Twelve a few minutes ago."
    "But now I'm Number Six who thinks he's somebody else!"
    "Lets just get this scene in the can shall we Frank. Then we'll swap blazers ready for the fencing scene."
    "I've got a suggestion to make Pat."
    "Go on then Frank, lets hear it."
    "Why don't we both wear the same coloured blazer?"
    "That's a silly idea Frank, then nobody would know who we are!"

    Pat and Frank appearing in 'The Schizoid Man'

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