Saturday 9 March 2013

Pat and Frank

   Frank "What about the repeat fees?"
   Pat "What about them?"
   "Well surely after the series is screened it will be repeated."
   "I wouldn't know."
   "But if it is?"
   "Will I be paid repeat fees?"
   "You'll have to take that up with Lew."
   "Ah! I'll probably get twice the repeat fees?"
   "Twice the repeat fees, how do you work that out?"
   "Well here I am playing you, who is supposed to be someone else!"
   "You mean number 12 is supposed to be Number 6."
   "Yes, and then in a few moments.........."
    "....Here I am playing you who is supposed to be someone else!"
    "You mean Number 6 who is supposed to be Number 12!"
   "Yes, but in fact I'm playing your role twice, and in some scenes at the same time! So it follows that I should really get twice the repeat fees!"
   "Don't push it. You'll be lucky if you get a credit in all this!"
   "That's just like you. I get to play the Prisoner..........."
    "Seen mostly from the back!"
    "Yes, but sometimes from the front!"
    "Yes, but the viewers will not see your face."
    "In profile they will. Anyway if it wasn't for me, you'd have had no-one who looks like you to go running about on the beach, after you had twisted your ankle!"
    "What do you want, a medal?"
    "No, an assurance of my repeat fees!"
    "Talk to Lew."
    "And what do I get from you?"
   "A punch in the stomach in the scene on the Recreation Hall steps. And then you get to roll about in the wet sand!"
   "I get all the dirty jobs arond here, and you get all the credit!"
   "That's show business! Now hold that pistol in your right hand, you're right handed."
   "I thought I was supposed to be left handed?"
   "Number Six is right-handed, do try and remember Frank!"


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