Friday 8 March 2013

Quote For The Day

    "I am not a number, I am a free man!"
                               {The Prisoner opening sequence to 'the Prisoner'}
    I'm never sure if the Prisoner shouts this out in defiance, or panic! Certainly the Prisoner became a "free man" the day he resigned his job, and from that point on was unanswerable to anyone. Not being reliant or dependant upon anyone. No longer is he a number, no longer one of the crowd, no longer one amongst so many people who work together. Until his abduction to the Village that is!
   A variation on the above phrase is "I am not a number, I am a person!" Which speaks for itself.

Be seeing you


  1. It's the ambivalence of this line, of not knowing exactly - ha! - which side to put it on, what ensured The Prisoner's longvity and still keeps us discussing. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,

      I could not agree more.

      Very kind regards
