Wednesday 13 March 2013

The Therapy Zone

Prisoner Local Groups
  You know what a "Prisoner Local Group" is of Well it's a group of people who have come together in appreciation for the Prisoner, people who live in the same area or district. Once upon a time there used to "Prisoner Local Groups" all over Britain. Take Leicestershire for example, it's group was call "Free For All" and produced a Prisoner based newsletter of the same title. "Free For All" was a very active group in the early days of Six of One: The Prisoner Appreciation Society, Oh didn't I mention them? Prisoner local groups were made up from members of that society, in more recent times local groups have become "breakaway groups," breaking away from six of One. The Sussex group was the first to do that back in the early 1980's, a group which became known as Once Upon A Time and produced a magazine of the same name. Once Upon A Time still exists to this day, as far as I am aware, but operates out of America. While here in the UK there is only two such local groups remaining, the London & south east, and Birmingham. Well these days you don't have to be a member of Six of One to set up such a local group you know. And of the multitude of Prisoner based newsletters that used to be produced, only The Tally Ho remains.

   I shouldn't want to be standing anywhere on that balcony during the ceremony of "Appreciation Day" of It's Your Funeral. Because it shouldn't matter who is wearing the Great Seal of Office, which is packed with explosive, because when detonated, the end result would be the same. The death of more than one person, in a scene of carnage, blood and gore!

I Was Just Wondering

    Just who No.6 was thinking about  when he wrote that false message to XO4 during that episode of Hammer Into Anvil, not to mention who D6 might be. After all, there was PR12 in 'Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling,' an ex-colleague of the Prisoner whose code name is ZM73. So it follows that D6 and XO4 must be out of the same school so to speak, whomsoever they happen to be.
    There was the school, of thought a number of years ago, that the 'D' of D6 might have stood for 'Drake' - Drake6, and being a possible in-joke. Although I never gave much credence to this train of thought, thinking it most unlikely. Although there are a few so called "in-jokes" such as part of the address on the envelope the Prisoner sent to Professor Seltzman in 'Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling' - 20 Portmeirion road.

A Question Of Rapport
   The rapport enjoyed between No.6 and No.2-Leo McKern, is not one attained over night, it takes time to cultivate. So obviously No.2-Leo McKern had been in The Village for sometime. The only question is, just how long was it after the departure of the new No.2 of 'Arrival,' that No.2-Leo McKern was brought to The Village for 'The Chimes of Big Ben?'
   You see that's what I find so fascinating about the Prisoner, it's not what you always see, but what you don't see that excites me. Oh I know that any amount of time could have elapsed between the end of 'Arrival' and the comencement of 'The Chimes of Big Ben,' and nothing can be proved on what takes place during that time, but I find it.......well quite frankly, fascinating to think about.

Be seeing you

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