Sunday 17 March 2013

The Therapy Zone

    The Chimes of Big Ben, and No.6  discovers in the "mock office" that he has not escaped, and just in time before he gave the Colonel the reason why he resigned. "I resigned because for a very long time............" This is a hollow victory for No.6 as he quietly returns to his cottage, and a defeat for No.2. Or is it? After all it appears that this was not No.2's idea, that he told Nadia how it would be, and Nadia Rakovski said to No.2 that it was not his fault, and that she would stress that in her report. Hence this No.2 would be brought back to the village for a second term of office.

Death Is an escape

   Well according to the Rook in Checkmate it is. But death can also mean the end of one thing, and the start of something else. Take No.2 for example, he apparently died in that cage back in the Embryo Room, but woke up in Fall Out a "new" man, with his own mind. No.6 wanted 6 to die back in that cage "Die Six die, die, dieeeeee," perhaps so that his old life would die with him so that he could start again. "To die, perchance to escape" as William Shakespeare might have put it had he thought about it. But there is no escape, and death is no answer to questions we cannot answer. There is only speculation and interpretation. Patrick McGoohan died over a year ago, he may have escaped and in so doing may have seen the start of something else, that is my speculation. As for me I'm left just as much a prisoner as ever I was, and that is my interpretation.
   And what does all this mean? I haven't the foggiest notion, I just wrote it!

A Matter of Resignation
   Having escaped the confines of The Village, or at least he thinks he has, he arrives in an office he knows very well, and in that office he is confronted by the Colonel who sets about debriefing the Prisoner. "The night is young and there are many questions First why did you resign?"
    The Colonel has been brought to the village in order to question and thoroughly de-brief the Prisoner-No.6, the Colonel has become akin to No.2 if you like. But I never have understood the Colonel's persistence over the Prisoner's resignation. Surely the Colonel had read the Prisoner's letter he left with that balding man in the office during the opening sequence, and if he had he must surely know the reason behind the Prisoner's resignation, and so doing could tell No.2 why the Prisoner resigned without all this complicated plot, which failed anyway. All the Colonel had to do was walk into No.2's office and show him the Prisoner's letter of resignation, then they could move on and use that reason against the Prisoner himself!

Be seeing you

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