Friday 8 March 2013

The Therapy Zone

    I the Village Guardian, Rover, be a natural thing, where do it come from, where do it go? For if "Rover" is a natural thing, it cannot be of this world but some alien creature. Or worse, a genetically created "thing" which is controlled from the Control Room, and activated by two words "Orange alert." It lives at the bottom of the sea in a containment area, a huge "thing" from which segments are released, then sent back to rejoin it's mother creature.

By Hook Or By Crook We Want Information
    Well if it's information you want; the majority of the painted, drawn and sketched exhibits for the Arts & Crafts Exhibition in the episode The Chimes of Big Ben were done by children of the production team.

  In ‘the Prisoner’ No.6 was offered ultimate power, to become Number One. The only difference between the Prisoner and THEPRIS6NER, is that Six was anointed as "the One."


     Two "You love The Village."
     Six "No, I want to escape!"

    "Were all pawns me dear" so says No.66, and that remark is as true today in this series as it was back then in the original. 147 is a pawn in Two's game. Two gives 147 the task of anointing Six, when the appropriate times comes, Two knows that 147 trusts Six, likes six and that the people will follow 147, well why shouldn't they? So Six is called upon by 147, for six is the One, as being The Villages, and everyone in it, their salvation.
    In Checkmate Two's own story is building to a climax, through the guilt of what he has done within his family, within the regime of The Village, and the sense of his own failure. Two set out to create a certain kind of thing. He looks at what he got, and he doubts himself. I'm sure that Two set out with many good intentions, just as the new two intends to do. But the road to hell is paved with good intentions. An original "good intention" of Two's was to give himself and his wife Helen a son. But he turned out to be a homosexual, murderer, with matricidal tendencies!
    I never realised it before, but everyone in The Village was brought there. Well everyone bar 11-12, who was created by his mother! When 11-12 realises the nature of The Village, and his own part in it he kills himself. That has an impact on Two. Two brings the two things together, his own guilt of his son, and the need to assimilate six. And in that he sees the ultimate challenge. what if Two gives Six The Village? And as long as Six can not refuse, in that acceptance, there lies escape for Two. two had been carrying that live hand grenade around with his all through the series, and what a way to go! But then it's easy to have a live grenade in your mouth, to pull the pin, because you know all you can do is suffer a Village death!
   Six is a man who fought the very idea of The Village, and hated the nature of being a Prisoner. But in the end Six allows himself to be assimilated. He accepts The Village, and becomes the King of the prison. Because Six had told the populous a thousand times, that everyone in The Village is a prisoner, and he was right!

Breathe in….Breathe in…More…Village.

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