Tuesday 26 March 2013

The Therapy Zone

    The task of the Village Guardian is three fold, to patrol the Village. To restrict citizens. To chase down escapees, to suffocate into coconsciousness or death.
   These two fellows, pictured here with No.6, are prefects as No.6 termed them. In reality they are a pair of village guardians, who have picked on No.6 because he needs to get back to his cottage in time for the Professor's lecture.
    Then strange is it not that these pair of village guardians busy themselves with No.6, rather to involve themselves in the recapture of the Professor!
    The Professor has taken it upon himself to do-a-runner along the beach. And on his way he has been able to bury his tape recorder in the sand. The helicopter is despatched to the skies, but on the ground it is the students themselves who have been sent to run down the Professor, and to manhandle him back to the village. As seen here.
   The reason for not despatching the Village guardian-Rover is understandable, because if taken too far the repercussions for the guardians possible actions, ie suffocation - the after effects of which can be very unpleasant. Or the possibly cause the death of the Professor, which would go very hard for No.2.
   So why not this pair of Village guardians pictured above? Perhaps they themselves were playing truant! In seeing that the students themselves had the situation well in hand - the Professor.
    The helicopter was despatched to oversee things from the air, but why were the students themselves sent on the trail of the Professor down on the beach? It could be that they became involved through keenness for the Professor's lectures. As they love him, they'll take anything from him. without the Professor, Speedlearn, and the General, the students are only so many citizens to be experimented upon in some other way!

    Ah, you ever wondered why The Tally Ho, the name of the village newspaper, well so have I. It's a hunting cry isn't, "Tally Ho" they cry, as huntsmen and women chase the fox through the countryside on horseback. I suppose following that thinking, No.6 must surely be the fox!
   The Tally Ho, has a sort of ring to it doesn't it, unlike The Village Guardian, mind you that could be mistaken for Rover. The Village Times would have made a good title for the newspaper, or The Daily Village, but now I think it's getting rather silly. But I can't help but wonder, even though we do simply have to accept, how they came by the name Tally Ho for the village newspaper.

Information And Observation
    The name Jackie replaced that of Johnny in the nursery rhyme "See-saw Marjory Daw Jackie shall have a new master....." This is possibly because the producers didn't want the name Johnny seeming to being used in the same context as the name John Drake.
    Questions are a burden to others, because they don't know the answer and more often than not have to repeatedly ask the same questions over, and over again. Answers a prison for oneself, because what answers you give, or say, cannot be taken back. You've said what you said, people have heard you, and that's your prison, because you cannot take back what you've just said.
    In  Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling, PR12 and ZM73 take a ride on a strange looking lift. It is actually a Paternosta lift which can be found in the GEC - Marconi building opposite the MGM/Elstree film studios at Borehamwood.
   The Minimoke was originally designed for the British Army as an all terrain vehicle. Only due to it's low and short wheel base, the Minimoke was particularlly useless as an all terrain vehicle. So it does very well on the sand at Portmeirion.
    Many fans of the Prisoner see Pop, pop, pop said by No.6 during the deliberations in the embryo room of Once Upon A Time, are somehow connected to the POP at the end ot the Alternative Chime Of Big Ben.
   Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop protect.... substitue Pop for father and you have father protect. Well No.6 had been regressed back to hs childhood.
    No.6 saw his job and the kind of work he did, as being above the law. No-one is above the law. So it seems Mr. Drake thought a great deal of himself!
   Fotheringay, is the name of Fortheringay castle, the birthplace of Richard the III, and the place of execution of Mary Queen of Scots.
Information And Observations
   The General, and the fact that they took its name to heart and filled the Generals office with all manner of Militaria from painting to statuettes. So I wonder if the General was once a War games strategist computer, which was then redeveloped by the Professor. It's the military name and connotations which make me take this line of thinking.
   Is the General supposed to be a thinking computer, as of the 1950's, and if so then the General should have responded to the question WHY? with WHY? But the General couldn't answer the question, and so blew a gasket instead. But this is not the first time we have witnessed a machine self-destructing in this way. there was STAR, a robot in the film The Black Hole. He couldn't take it when he was out gunned in a shooting competition with VINCENT, another robot but of a different class.
    I just can't figure out how the Prisoner could afford to live at 1 Buckingham Place, and such a large house for one person. I mean The Prisoner as a one time Civil Servant working for the British Secret Service would only be earning something like £50 per week, £200 per month, which is hardly enough to pay for a lease on a house in the city of Westminster.
    I happen to know who lived at No.3 Buckingham Place at the time of the Prisoner, someone related to some very important and powerful people on the world stage at the time. I got this from a very good friend of mine who has been researching the Prisoner in-depth. However I am instructed not to divulge this persons name, which is a pity for you, and a pity for me as I would have you know. However I am not one to break a confidence.
    Something’s within the Prisoner will remain inexplicable, and then there are something’s we were never meant to see, like the chess problem in the Tally Ho newspaper which No.6 carries about him when he is attempting to find his reliable men. If a Guardian he crosses off their number on that chess problem. and there's nothing wrong in that, save for the fact that No.6 has actually crossed No.12 off three times!!!!! I suppose it's simply a case of McGoohan thinking who's going to see?....... Well I did for one!

Be seeing you

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