Monday 15 April 2013

Quote For The Day

    "Number One is the boss."
    "Join me...if you win Number One may no longer be a mystery to you if you know what I mean."
                                          {No.6 and No.2 - Free For All}

   I have often wondered why it is, that when the new No.2 finds himself in his new sanctum, that he doesn't bother to pick up the red telephone and ask speak to No.1?!

Be seeing you


  1. Maybe Number 1 was no longer a mystery to him.

    (Because) In a way he seemed kind of drunken of his victory. Apart from still being drugged and hypnotized. But when he woke up his first thought wasn't to get information, but to get the sheep free.

    Kind regards,
    Be seeing you

    1. Hello Jana,

      No.6, drunk with power! Yes I can see that. But did No.6 really care about the sheep? Might he not be thinking that if he caused a mass breakout of the Village, he could escape in the confusion that such a breakout would cause? As No.6 said, eveyone votes for a dictator, and this dictator No.6 as the new No.2, was he trying to use the people in order to achieve his own ends....that of escape!?

      Very kind regards

    2. Hello David,
      I'd like to think that he really cared about the sheep. Because I'm not sure if chaos and thus alarming security really would have increased his own chances? Although he tried, of course. But wouldn't he have had better possibilities if he had planned to sneak out in silence using his new position? To me his alert to obey him and be free seemed quite unorganized and desperate. He knew that he had lost and that the stretcher was already waiting.
      Best wishes

    3. Hello Jana,

      You make a good case in your comment. Perhaps as the new No.2, No.6 could have given orders that he had to leave the Village on business and to make ready the helicopter for his departure. That's a bit weak I know, but something on those general lines.

      Yes Morag said only the other day that the game was up for No.6, even before he had taken up his office, seeing as how that "Red Cross" trailer was waiting.

      Very best wishes

  2. After all, what could they have talked about, then?
    No. 6: 'Wanna know something? I'm leaving. Right now.'
    No. 1: 'No, you're not.'
    No. 6: 'I am.'
    No. 1: 'No, you aren't...'
    No. 6: 'Yes, I am.'
    No. 1: 'Most certainly you're not.'
    No. 6: 'Now listen, this isn't the Argument Clinic, is it!'
    No. 1: 'No, this is the Green Dome. And you are not going to leave.
    No. 6: 'So, why is it that I'm not leaving?'
    No. 1: 'That would be telling.'
    No. 6: 'You're scared.'
    No. 1: 'I am realistic.'
    No. 6: 'What is it?'
    No. 1: 'We're both prisoners.'
    No. 6: 'It had crossed my mind...'

    At the end of this unfinished dialogue No. 6, as we know it, starts randomly pushing buttons, inciting inhabitants to leave the Village. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,

      Yes I like that. And you are right, what would they have said? In all probability No.6 might not have been put through to No.1. But if he had, and No.1 had said something, it would have been a shock to No.6 to hear his own voice on the other end of the telephone!

      Kind regards
      Be seeing you
