Friday 26 April 2013

Teabreak Teaser

    Why was Cobb's apparent suicide so necessary?



  1. It was thought necessary in order to establish a degree of credibility attributed to Cobb and the woman so No.6 might confide to her. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,

      That's an intresting interpretation. For myself I have always thought the meeting between Cobb and the Prisoner on the hospital ward should not have happened. That they then had to stage Cobb's funeral so that if Cobb was dead No.6 wouldn't ask too many questions about him if he thought Cobb to be dead. And then they put Cobb's funeral to good use of course!

      If the Village is run by the "other side," with Cobb in the Village about to go to work for his new masters, then with Fortheringay and the Colonel in the Village, not to mention the Colonel in 'Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling,' it means there were an awful lot of traitors in British Intelligence at the time, which was probably true at the time!

      Very kind regards

  2. Cobb's "new masters" don't have to be necessarily behind the Iron Curtain. We've been discussing this issue before. There could be further conflicting or competing intelligence departments working relatively independently. I take it that the encounter between Cobb and No. 6 was clearly planned and staged. Why would they such an important action or element let slip through by chance? - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,

      We have indeed discussed this before, only I wondered if anyone else had something to bring to the table so to speak.
      The thing is, Cobb's new masters are so ambiguous, that they could be absolutely anyone. The meeting between Cobb and the Prisoner could have been a mistake. They do make mistakes you know. Didn't they make the mistake with the chimes of big Ben?

      Kind regards
