Thursday 2 May 2013

A Right Free For All!

   Today is the day we elect those we choose to govern us so wisely, in free local elections. We know what we must do, what must we do? Progress, progress, progress. Well No.6 gets my vote because his promises ring richly in my ears, because with him there's no such thing as health and safety, because he says we can take part in the most hazardous sports. He promises that the Village exports will cover every corner of the globe. I wasn't aware that the Village produced anything! And yet No.6 promises that he can supply every civilised amenity, winter, spring summer, or autumn, yes I know he said "fall" but he should have said autumn. Well No.6 is supposed to be English, isn't he?
   Anyway I won't be voting for any brain washed imbecile! Although I have to say I've not had any of the candidates come knocking on the door. Pushing leaflets through letter boxes they seem to be a dab-hand at. But we live in a democracy, and I strongly believe in the right to exercise one's vote. Otherwise one could soon fined oneself living in the Village, where everyone votes for a dictator!
   Off to the Poling Station. Vote! Vote! Vote!

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