Wednesday 1 May 2013

Caught On Camera

   It would appear that No.6 wasn't the only one to come face to face with himself in the Village. Likewise No.2 pictured here on the screen in ‘A B and C.' However seeing himself like this, leaves No.2 a broken man.

From the Department of Visual Records.
Be seeing you


  1. In magnificently equipped to lead us,what does ''MAGNIFICENTLY EQUIPPED'' mean?

    1. Hello Anonymous,

      That's a very good question, what makes No.6 "Magnificently equipped" to lead the Village? It's difficult to say, if it's anything to do with how the President describes the former No.6 in that he has, revolted, resisted. Fought. Held fast. Maintained. destroyed resistance. Overcome coercion. The right to be person. Someone individual. And despite materialistic efforts he has survived intact. He is a man of steel. They even applaud his private war! The former No.6 has convinced them of their mistakes. He is seen as being pure, his revolt good and honest, he is the only individual. He has vindicated the right of the individual to be individual.........

      Well all of that might be true, and to some extent the Prisoner-No.6 has shown many of those atributes. But in those words is the President himself also speaking of revolution? Because everything the former No.6 did was to work against the Village! I think the fomer No.6 has steel, a mental strength. He has shown them their mistakes, that he is pure and so will not make the mistakes which have already been made.
      But just a minute! It is supposed that the President intends to replace No.1 with the former No.6. So seeing as No.1 and No.6 are supposed to be the alter ego of the other, even if the President does userp No.1 with No.6, will not everything remain the same in the Village? Or would things change? Meaning that No.6 would be a milder No.1, who would do things right in the Village. To find a better way!


    2. Thanks for your answer. While i am on has any one come up with the theory that the village was run by aliens? & number 6/1 made his escape in the rocket leaving the village radio active due to the ''Fallout'' from the rocket?

    3. Hello Roy,

      Good to hear from you again.

      For my part, I used to think that the Village Guardian was an alien creature. I gained this idea from 'Fall Out' when the Guardian is shrinking or shrivelling away. All about "it" looks to be a hot, steamy, rocky alien environment.
      Mind you there are "Archangels" amongst the delegates of the Assembly! A friend of mine made that observation a while ago, and made comment about it on my blog.

      As for the rocket. I know we see the Bristish Blue Streak missile superimposed on the film. But I have always thought the rocket as a rocket, not as a missile with a nuclear warhead. Besides would a nuclear missile carry people in a state of animation in life preserving 'Orbit Tubes?'

      Have you observed that both No.1 and No.6 make their escape from the Village at one and the same time? The one in the rocket, the other in a cage aboard the lorry as it crashes through the pair of wrought iron gates?

      Very kind regards
      Be seeing you

  2. Thanks for your reply. will keep in touch...ROY.
