Wednesday 15 May 2013

The Therapy Zone

Bringing Number 2 To Book!
   "Well it was worth a try No.2" No.10 informs him.
   Anything's worth a try, but it has to be something which has a reasonable chance of succeeding, but getting No.6 to tell a blessed fairy tale to three children wasn't it! And its all very well for No.10, to say "It was worth a try" but its not she who will have to be brought to book for this recent failure. Its No.2 who will have to explain, and ultimately have to pay the price.

I Intend To Discover Who Are The Prisoners.....And Who The warders.
   This as part of No.6's opening speech in Free For All, but yet No.6 doesn't actually begin to discover who are the Prisoners and who the warders until the episode of Checkmate. And even then he has no idea of how to go about it, without instructive dialogue with No.14 that is, No.14 who knows how to go about it, but is too old for escape himself.
   You judge by attitudes, the same way it is in life. You soon know who's for or against you. Ah, but how do you tell the human chess pieces, the blacks from the whites, from those of your opponent? Especially when both sides look alike!

And They Thought We Would Not Notice!
   Like here in the episode Hammer Into Anvil when No.6 is timing six records Bizet's L'arlesienne, the Davier recording, well it takes a Frenchman!
   The thing is though, as No.6 stands with his head in the record sound booth, as he checks the timing of the record currently playing, Pat McGoohan isn't actually listening to anything at all! No, that piece of what is supposed to be a speaker for the record player is nothing more than a square of soundproofing board stuck on the wall!

   Patrick McGoohan didn't want sex in the Prisoner because he wanted his children to be able to watch the series. Well two out of three isn't bad - drugs and violence!
    I always thought the Prisoner series was not produced for children - perhaps it was, and I have been wrong all these years. After all there is much that is of a child’s nature within the series, and we all come to a "second childhood" sooner or later, as Shakespeare would have it in his "Seven Ages of Man."

Be seeing you

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