Sunday 30 June 2013

Election Time!

No.2 "What a piece of luck. We start our election campaign today, showery outlook is very depressing don't you think?"
No.6 "Elections, in this place?"
"Of course, we make our choice every twelve months. Every citizen has a choice. Are you going to run?"
"Like blazes the first chance I get!"
"I mean run for office."
"Mine, for instance."
"You have a delicate sense of humour."
    So does No.6, after all humour is the very essence of a democratic society! No.6 says that the interest of the citizens are very much his own, and that the security of the citizens will be his primary objective. Which means, should No.6 be elected as the new No.2, then he will not increase the security of the citizens, but oversee their freedom from the confines of The Village. In some cases this would do more harm than good, for what use does anyone born to The Village have for the outside world? It would be like when years ago, animal rights protesters releasing the Mink into the wild, when all they have known is the Mink farm. And then what did the released Mink do? They attacked the Water Vole, {Ratty from Wind In The willows} killing them near to extinction here in the UK.
   So you see No.6's actions of wanting to see the citizens of The Village to obey him and be free, might on the whole look honourable. But can do more harm than good, and the repercussions stretching all the way back to England and the government at the time in the Houses of Parliament. And after all is not No.6 simply satisfying his own desire, in manipulating the community to what he wants ultimately, to escape?
   I can just see it all now. A mass breakout in which No.6 can loose himself in the confusion! Such an opportunity will not come again until Fall Out. So No.6 will simply have to bide his time.
Be seeing you

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