Thursday 20 June 2013

Quote For The Day

    "I didn't think it would be like this."
                          {Nadia  -  The Chimes of Big Ben}

    That's a strange thing for someone who has been planted in the Village, to say. One would expect that Nadia Rakovsky {we will use that name, but I'm sure that Rakovsky is not her proper name, although Nadia could well be} as secret agents who go undercover generally use their own Christian names. If Nadia was playing her part of someone who had really been abducted to the Village, then she would have had no preconceptions to what the Village was like. So was this a genuine remark on her part? That the situation she was put in, was not what she had expected?

Be seeing you


  1. We can't be 100% sure what the "it" refers to, Nadia might be talking about her feelings about betraying No.6. Remember Susan, confessing to No.6, who said she wouldn't do it again after betraying him in "The Schizoid Man".

    Perhaps Nadia - like Susan - went to work for the Village with the best of intentions but had very different feelings about the work when actually doing it, and doesn't feel that betraying people for the Villages interests is really what they want to do with their lives.

    Perhaps Nadia will resign? And end up back in the Village!

    Be seeing you

    1. Hello ZM72

      That's a fair enough comment, but I think it is fair to assume Nadia was talking about the Village. It strikes me that Nadia was not briefed on the Village hence her saying "I didn't think it would be like this." And even if she had been briefed on the Village, no briefing would have prepared her for her encounter with the Village Guardian......nasty!
      And yet, even if we cannot be sure of this, there are two things we can be sure of. One that Susan died a year ago, and it was Alison who confessed her betrayal to No.6 in 'the Schizoid Man.'
      Me' thinks that your long bout of studying has taken too much out of you me' dear fellow!

      I trust all is well with you.
      Very kind regards

    2. Hello
      You're right, of course (quite right) - I meant Alison, not Susan. I think I need to do some revision on "The Prisoner" now!


    3. Hello ZM72,

      I think a spell in the Therapy Zone might do you some good! Getting slowly drunk with No.2 and No.6. chewing the fat, and putting the Village to rights!

      Very kind regards

  2. Hello David,
    I've thought the line could also have been a part of her role, just to lure the Prisoner. Because after this line he knows that Nadia had heard of the village before, so that he gets curious to ask her if she knows where the village is situtated.

    Best wishes,
    Be seeing you!

    1. Hello Jana,

      That could be so. But the line "I didn't think it would be like this," suggests that Nadia had been forewarned about the Village, prior to her arrival. Don't forget Nadia was a plant, and she might have allowed herself a careless thought.
      If Nadia is not supposed to be a plant, she would not have had any preconceptions as to what it's like in the Vilage. "I didn't think it would be like this," sounds to me that the Village came as a bit of a shock to Nadia, even as a plant!

      Kind regards

    2. Hello David,

      that's a good point, she seems to have preconceptions. We don't really know what they told her before sending her to the village... not neccessarily the truth, I guess. Yes, I agree, she might have allowed herself a careless thought. Number Six could very well have become suspicious.

      As for the preconceptions if she wouldn't have been a plant: I thought she might have gotten some ideas from the files she told she saw. But now, that I think about it, it's indicated that she saw them only very shortly, isn't it? So this isn't very likely, admittedly. Could have made Number Six suspicious, too.

      Very kind regards,

    3. Hello Jana,

      Yes, according to Nadia's story, she only saw the files for a few seconds. There's hardly anything we can believe about Nadia's story. But one thing that has to be true, her Christain name. That has to be Nadia, as spies and scret agents, or anyone who goes "undercover" always use their own Christian name. Because if they use a false Christian name, and then he or she hears her real name used by someone else quite innocently, that person "undercover" might react to hearing it. That mistake would not happen when using his or her real Christian name. And they react more naturaly when using their real Christian names.

      Kind regards
