Thursday 6 June 2013

The Supervisor's Report

   There are a couple of questions which is in need of attention and one often asked, of how exactly we print copies of the tally Ho? Well just like any other broadsheet, because that is what The tally Ho Is, not technically a newspaper, we use a printing press. It has been suggested that queer looking device as pictured here, which actually puts me in mind of my old mum's washing mangle, is the printing press, and I can see where people are coming from. And for those who don't know what one of those is, a washing mangle consists of a wrought iron frame set on wheels, with two wooden rollers through which wet washing is rolled through and the water squeezed out. The two wooden rollers had varying settings and operated by a large wrought iron handle.
   So how does the Tally Ho dispenser work? Well much in the same was as my old mum's washing mangle, the operator, this case No.113c turns the handle, which turns only the top roller via a series of cogs, the top one with red lettered news bulletin:
   opinion poll:
freedom & security      
being little more than a bulletin board outside your local news agents, and the bottom roller has the preloaded printed newspaper, from which a printed copy of the newspaper it despensed, then torn and handed to the purchaser.  
    On the whole it seems quite improbable that this device is actually capable of being a printing press device, that this device is little more that an over complicated news paper dispenser. But somehow this quirky device suits the Village, it fits in.
    This device couldn’t possibly be a printing press. Where's the ink, and the set type from which the newspaper is printed? Possibly in the canopied cover beneath the bottom roller, but I doubt it. One thing is certain, that the Tally Ho is issued Daily at noon, although in 'It's Your Funeral' at approximately No.6 buys a copy of the broadsheet from a kiosk! 

Be seeing you

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