Monday 10 June 2013

The Therapy Zone

 I'm Of The Opinion
    That the Prisoner-No.6, or Sir as he becomes known, came out of the ‘Fall Out’ rather well. I mean both his house and car were being made ready for him. His passport is now valid for anywhere. He's given travellers cheques - a million, the key of his house, and petty cash in a nice leather "draw-string" purse.
    And yet he's still not satisfied. Because when the fall out has settled, he's preparing to put himself through the ordeal all over again.........PRISONER.

Double Bluff
   That scene in Hammer Into Anvil where No.6 having written out his message to XO4, signed D6, on his writing pad in his cottage. He then, having torn off the sheet containing the message, tears off the next top sheet. This because of the indentations left from having written the message, so that no-one could detect this message from those indentations on the next sheet, so he tore it off.
  But is this a "double bluff" on the part of No.6? Because No.2 was still able, with the use of technology, to detect No.6's written message to XO4. So really, No.6 only made it more difficult for No.2, but not impossible. Had that have been me, I'd have removed several sheets of that writing pad to stop anyone one from detecting what I'd have written. And if that was No.6's intention, so would he!

   I don't know why the Supervisor-No.56 and his assistant cannot recognise the voice behind the mayday call, that of No.6. Its as plain as the nose on his face who it is!

Be seeing you

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