Thursday 20 June 2013

The Therapy Zone

    Mister X in ‘The Girl Who Was Death’ wasn't really poisoned was he? Surely it was simply a sticker at the bottom of the glass saying
   Surely Doris was put up to it by the girl, as a prank to be played on a friend!

Ring Out The Old.....
      It's a ridiculous telephone when you look at it, however it is the hotline to Number 1, and vice versa to those who are second only to 1, that's No.2.
    At the beginning of the episode ‘A B and C,’ No.2, pictured here, has a nervous look on his face as the telephone begins to bleep.
"Number 2 here. Yes Sir, I am doing my best. He's very difficult. I know it's important.......... He's no ordinary person Sir, but if I had a free hand........ I know Sir yes I'm not indispensable."
   Later, after No.6 has paid No.2 a visit, is again put under pressure by No.1 via the hotline. "Yes Sir, within two days. You have my word....... Yes Sir, I realise my future is at stake. Two days, I guarantee."
   Yet despite his word and guarantee, it all goes pear shaped for No.2, and it is as the oversized red telephone begins to bleep in the laboratory, No.2 knows what is coming. In fact No.2 had half expected the telephone to start to bleep after the failure with 'B', but now with the complete failure to discover the reason behind No.6's resignation No.2's fate is sealed.
    No.2 of ‘Hammer Into Anvil’ is another No.2 to have access to the red telephone, well not all No.2's use this device you know. And it is down this telephone that No.2 gives No.1 all his assurances, that he doesn't need any help, that he can manage. And is a second No.2 who gets the chop by telephone, even though he has reported himself as being a breakdown in control, and in need of being replaced.
   Actually, this telephone thing sitting on No.2's desk must be a constant reminder of No.1's ever presence, being just a phone call away. I mean no-one is free of observation. Take No.2 for example. There he was, having learned of his failure to No.6's success, that almost instantly that oversized red telephone began to bleep. So No.1 must surely have been watching to have learned of No.2's failure so quickly.
   And also it occurs to me, that those No.2's who have access to No.1 direct, by whatever telephone, must surely know who No.1 is by simple voice recognition, when the voice of No.1 speaks to them. The same voice of No.6.... surely?

    Rover is easily fooled. Look how during that episode of ‘The Schizoid Man,’ No.6 fooled Rover, by setting it off chasing an empty Vllage taxi. A bit like throwing a dog a stiuck to chase! And how easily No.6 fooled Rover into believing that he was in fact Curtis...... The Schizoid Man!

Be seeing you

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