Sunday 23 June 2013

The Therapy Zone

    When it comes to the question of twins in the Village, there are two such cases that we know of. The first demonstrated in ‘Arrival,’ that of the electrician who attends '6 Private' the Prisoner's cottage, this to replace the busted loudspeaker which the Prisoner trampled under foot. And that of the gardener whom the Prisoner encountered after he left the cottage, feeling like a bit of a walk. The gardener who asks No.6 to "Mind the plants," and who seems to be a twin to that of the electrician, and not just a twin, but an identical twin!
    The second demonstration for the possibility of twins in the village comes in the episode of ‘Free for All,’ this between the photographer No.113b and No.113c the operator of The Tally Ho dispenser, that quirky looking press device outside of the Town Hall    "Get your election edition now." Again this appears to be another case of identical twins in the Village, which is I suppose acceptable, well we have to accept it do we not? Because if not then there is a possible case for cloning within the confines of the Village, as it was once suggested that Curtis was a clone of No.6, that is a theory which I have to say I do not subscribe to.  Yet if not cloning, then we must take to the possibility that twins, and for that matter identical twins were either being brought to the Village of their own free will, or twins who were abducted together.
   It is said that we all have a double somewhere in the world. No.8 in ‘A Change of Mind’ certainly does, she works with her in the computer room, handing her the daily prognosis report on No.6.
   The Prisoner is not free of look-a-likes himself, Curtis for one, No.1 for another, if you do not subscribe to the idea that No.1 is Curtis, and not No.6’s alter ego. Otherwise we might be dealing with triplets. But I’m not about to be led along that avenue. However there is one further possible explanation as to the two sets of identical twins in the Village, that they were born in the Village!

    “Hope and Anchor, it's a pub I used to drink at." This mentioned during a word association test of Checkmate, there is a Hope And Anchor public house at Wanlip, a small village in Leicestershire, and not too far away from the school/college of Ratcliffe, where during the second world war the boy McGoohan spent his school days. And it was not unheard of that pupils/students went to the Hope and Anchor public house. I mention this because one's childhood makes us what we are today, and childhood and school day memories stay with us all our lives, such is the strong impression made upon our minds. So perhaps the mentioning of the Hope and Anchor, as being a pub he used to drink at, was a remembrance of McGoohan's school days.

Be seeing you

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