Thursday 6 June 2013

The Therapy Zone

   Some No.6’s require an assistant, while others do not. In the episode ‘A Change of Mind,’ the Supervisor-No.28 acts more like an assistant to No.2, rather than the Supervisor that we have come to know who has previously confined his activities to the control room. But who in this episode spends more time In No.2's office!

A Change Of Mind
   With hindsight its easy to see that no harm would befall No.6 at the start of ‘A Change of Mind.’ Well for a start No.2 had already stated in ‘Dance of the Dead’ that No.6 has a future with them. And in ‘Checkmate’ the doctor-No.22 recommended that a Leucotomy be carried out on No.6 in order to knock out the centres of the brain. But No.2 said that No.6 is far too important. So when No.6 is threatened with this supposed "Instant Social Conversion," a Leucotomy to isolate the aggressive frontal lobes of the brain, we should have known that the threat would not actually be carried out. Which of course it wasn't. Why? Well because such Leucotomy operations have not always been a success, and in worse cases the patient has been lost - mentally! And that was suggested by No.2 during ‘A Change of Mind,’ when he talks to the supervisor-No.28 "We could lose Number Six," tapping his head with a finger, "lose him, do you understand, lose him!"
   Yes we understand No.2.

Citizens Of The Village
   To be perfectly honest there's not a great difference between men and women in the village. At best it may have been easier to appeal to their better nature than to those of the men - but just a bit. No.2 in the episode ‘Dance of the Dead’ is the most sinister of the village chairmen, and No.2 of Free For All the most threatening. The female doctors are as ruthless as their male counterparts, especially in the case of the female doctor-No.22 in ‘Checkmate,’ her male counterpart of the previous episode ‘Dance of the Dead,’ who are all seeking either No.6's "breaking point" or a way to make him talk in order to discover the reason behind his resignation. Which is much the same for anyone who fell into their "care." Yet at the same time, there are a few well-meaning female souls in the village, just as there are a few good men.

Be seeing you

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