Wednesday 5 June 2013

The Therapy Zone

"In the Prisoner's end, is his beginning!"
     It all began with a man storming into an office, a man who was about to hand in his resignation. There he was, shouting his mouth off about something. Forcing the issue with a letter of resignation, and stamping it with his fist!
    Subsequently this man was abducted from his home, and wakes up in the Village. He is held captive for in excess of one year. He undergoes a number of trials. He survives the "ultimate test," and is eventually given the opportunity to address the members of the Assembly. So what does the Prisoner-Number 6, then known as "sir," do? He shouts his mouth off once more, probably telling the members of the Assembly just what he thinks of them, the Village, and how he has been treated since his abduction to the Village. 'Fall Out' it's called, and yes there was a falling out amongst former friends, that resulted in the man handing in his resignation!
                             "In the Prisoner's end, is his beginning!"
 Be seeing you

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