Sunday 9 June 2013

The Therapy Zone

Many Happy Returns
    The lease on the Prisoner's home, 1 Buckingham Place, had six months to run from the time of his abduction to the village. According to Mrs. Butterworth, she  now owns the lease, and has the house, fully furnished for ten years. At which No.6 didn't turn a hair, not even at the loss of his car, which he proudly built with his own hands.
    But of course this renewal of the lease, that Mrs. Butterworth has the house for ten years is a load of old bunkum! However, as we see at the time of Fall Out, both the Prisoner's car and his house have been looked after, and now are being made ready for him. So the delegates of the Assembly must have had a firm idea that Sir, as No.6 became known, would rather "go" than to accept the offer of ultimate power and by that to lead them. Because someone had renewed the lease of 1 Buckingham Place for the Prisoner to return to.
    But by the way the door of 1 Buckingham Place opens automatically for the Butler, it would seem that No.1, not only has a village in the country. But also has a "town house" in the city of Westminster, as was once the trend.

Number Six - A Confidential Agent!
    This is someone whose identity is a secret, is someone you can trust, Number Six. But who does Number Six trust? When asked by No.12 in ‘The General’ "Who do you trust?" Number Six relies "I trust me!" No.12 replies "Join the club."
   As it turns out No.12 can trust No.6, who attempts to save No.12 from No.2's suspicions, that it was No.12 who gave No.6 the pair of security pass discs.
   So with the game up so to speak, was No.12 trying to save the Professor, but died in the attempt. Or did No.12, knowing that the game was up, that No.2 had his suspicions about him, committed suicide realising that he no longer had a future in the village?

    Whatever you might think of No.6 - he's loyal, trustworthy, and a man of his word. Which is probably more than can be said of No.1!

Be seeing you

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