Monday 29 July 2013

Caught On Camera

    Well I don't recall this little scene from ‘The Chimes of Big Ben,’ perhaps this is from what some people are pleased to call the “alternative” version of the episode! It's No.6 alright, dressed in that blue anorak, with white striped lines. He's wearing that chrome wrist watch given to him by that supposed Russian way back in that cave on the coast of Poland. But I don’t recall No.6 smoking, a Senior Service cigarette during ‘The Chimes of Big Ben!’
   But the question was, "What's that No.6 up to?" Judging by that length of 35mm film he's got in his hands, I would suggest he's trying to find out how it was done, that journey from Poland to London. It was a twelve hour journey, and the time of that tallied with the time of No.6's wrist watch might have tallied, but where's the lorry carrying the crate they were in? The cargo ship at Gdansk {formerly Danzig} docks? The aircraft to Copenhagen and again to London? I’m damned if I can see it! How did they do it?
   Well No.6, somehow I don't think it was done by mirrors. But I have a feeling the Village, during that 12 hour journey, was always much closer than you might think!
   Then on the other hand looking at it from Pat McGoohan’s perspective “Damn and blast it! Not only have they forgotten to put the crate in the back of that lorry! {where’s that Doris Martin} and the lorry isn’t the same in either shot, they used shots of two different lorry's!”

Be seeing you

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