Saturday 6 July 2013

Caught On Camera!

    No.6 "My taxi driver won't go away, and she doesn't even speak English!"
    No.2 "Precisely! Knowing your shall we say prejudices, I thought you'd rather not have one of the regulars. She's new here and quite delightfully charming don't you think?"
    "What's the precedure?"
   "Well to begin with this second test of the new video phone has been a complete success! and it will be adopted throughout the world, given time!"
   Later the media of television in the Village would be used for education, the experiment of Speedlearn, presented by a kindly Professor.
   As it happens at the time of 'the Prisoner,' there was the BBC educational schools programmes. This when children were at home, they could continue their education through the media of the television.
   However, the Village Administration takes the Video phone to another level, as No.6 speaks to No.2, and vice versa through the television, yet without the actutal aid of a telephone!
    No.6 "How did I sleep?"
    No.2 "Sound as a bell. Have a nice day, feel free."
    "Feel free!" What with the Village Administration taking surveillance to another level, as citizens are being observed through their television sets?
   This after No.6 teases the Observers with a cushion placed over the television screen!

Be seeing you

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