Wednesday 24 July 2013

The Prisoner Under The Spotlight!

   An Act Of Betrayal! After his escape from the village, and subsequent return to London during ‘Many Happy Returns,’ No.6 went running back to his ex-colleagues, and gave away all the information he had on the installation known as THE VILLAGE. I wonder how the villages administration felt about this act of betrayal, how No.1 might react. Because after returning to those No.6 felt he could trust, he couldn't wait to shoot his mouth off about the village, whilst in the village No.6 wouldn't give anything away!
    I suppose it's all to do with the kind of environment which you are famlier with, in the company you are in, people who you think you can trust. And if that is the case, that No.6 could actually trust both the Colonel and Thorpe, meaning that they had no prior knowledge of the village. Then information supplied by their ex-colleague, together with the copy of The Tally Ho and that of No.6's navigational log, plus the photographic evidence are now in the hands of others. I wonder how the villages administration would react to this?
     ‘The Girl Who Was Death,’ this maybe a fairy story featuring a deserted village, an escape by helicopter, an eventual escape by boat. An underground passage leading to an underground cavern, along with a rocket which No.6 sabotages. This fairy story features many of the ingredients which go to make up the whole Prisoner series. In Arrival No.6 attempts to escape the village by helicopter. In the episode ‘Many Happy Returns’ No.6 wakes to find the Village deserted! And in ‘Fall Out’ we have an underground passageway leading to an underground cavern, and there's the rocket, which Sir launches in much the same way as he had sabotaged Professor Schnipps rocket in ‘The Girl Who Was Death.’ So in telling a fairy story to any children who happened to be watching, including the readers here, No.6 was not only incorporating his past adventures in the Village, but foretelling the future!
   There are some surprising moments in ‘the Prisoner,’ as when No.6 emerges from the house containing the replica of the Colonels office back in London. Taking the situation in his stride No.6 walks across the square and up to the steps of the Recreation Hall, and standing at the top of those steps are No.2, Fortheringay, and Nadia. As No.6 looks up to them all he says as he salutes them is "Be seeing you” as he walks back to his cottage No.6 is happy to salute citizens passing by. The man shows no emotion, no anger. He doesn't rant and rave at those who have betrayed him Nadia, and especially Fotheringay. Well I suppose it wouldn't have got him anywhere, although getting angry does relieve the feelings!
   No.6 seems to be somewhat philosophical about the whole situation really, because there is nothing he can do. And so No.6 might see getting angry as simply a waste of energy, after all there would be another day!
     Agression Versus a passive nature. A man is on a mission, he pulls the double doors open in dramatic fashion, and comes bursting into the office. And the man sat behind the oak desk doesn't turn a hair! Even when the man starts ranting and raving, the man sat behind the desk remains passive, and unstirred. And when the other man slams down a letter matked “private – by hand” upon the desk, and forcibly stamped with his fist, upsetting the tea cup and saucer and breaking the tea plate in two, again in dramatic fashion, the man behind the desk maintain his passive nature. And still not a word or sign of protest from the man sat behind the desk, as he sits there passively listening to the man who rants and raves, unshaken he remains as he toys with his fountain pen! This chap is certainly angry about something, but we don't know what. Well soon he’ll have something else to be angry about, if he's not quick about it!

I'll be seeing you.

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