Monday 1 July 2013

The Therapy Zone

Waste Not Want Not!
   "Waste not want not," this No.2 tells No.6 when they meet up in the mortuary in the Town Hall. So considering that phrase, I mean if No.6 is supposed to have died in an accident at sea, perhaps she should have used the dead body of Curtis, having put the amended wallet in his pocket, and the body dumped somewhere out at sea. I mean that would have saved on the plastic surgery!  Waste not want not, simples.

The Schizoid Men!
  Curtis, who went about impersonating No.6, actually wore his numbered badge. Surely it should have been drummed into Curtis's head that No.6 never wears his numbered badge! But on the other hand, No.6 was only too happy to wear his numbered badge, when impersonating Curtis!

It’s Inexplicable!
   How at the end of It's Your Funeral, and to much surprise to the new No.2, the way the helicopter suddenly turns back towards The Village. At an instruction given to the pilot from the Control Room, or on the instruction by the retiring No.2 himself? I've often wondered.

    ‘It's Your Funeral,’ a plan built by a man who believed in complete manipulation - a watch-maker on human scale - failed miserably. When the episode ends, the innocents {the retiring No.2 and citizens of The Village} are preserved and two winners emerge - No.6 who remained true to himself, and No.1, who let an over-zealous No.2 cause his own downfall. No.6 and No.1? Aren't they the same? Fanatical watchmakers can never win, but at least Monique still has her father.

Be seeing you

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