Monday 15 July 2013

Thought For The Day

  The Collectivity of One!

    "Number One's the boss" said No.6. But is he? Is it not more likely tht No.1 is merely the figurehead for the Village, in the Village? No-one sees No.1, we suspect that No.2 speaks to No.1, reporting to No.1, and from whom he receives his instructions. In the first 16 episodes of 'the Prisoner' we have no idea who No.1 might be.
    In 'Fall Out,' we see the members of the Assembly, each being a representative of one aspect of society. You could see them as petty minded bureaucrats who are supposed to govern us so wisely. Is it not more likely that these robed figures are the real power behind the Village? Individually responsible for separate aspects of society, but collectively working together as One!

Be seeing you


  1. Hello David,
    I like this idea! Number 1 being the figurehead, or an idea, whereas all those different traits of society are governing the prison. I guess that's the point. I'd also like to think that all those strange representatives are nothing more than ourselves how we are involved in spreading, shaping and forcing our ideas and fears to the people and ourselves. Sometimes in very paradox and contradictory ways. But there is no way out.
    Very best wishes,
    Be seeing you!

    1. Hello Jana,

      I like the idea behind your comment.

      "I'd also like to think that all those strange representatives are nothing more than ourselves how we are involved in spreading, shaping and forcing our ideas and fears to the people and ourselves. Sometimes in very paradox and contradictory ways. But there is no way out."

      Just a thought, but isn't that what we do when it comes to 'the Prisoner?

      Very kind regards

    2. Hello David,
      it is, indeed. I think so, too.

      Very best wishes,
