Sunday 7 July 2013

The Therapy Zone

    Sabotage, in the Village, what have things come to? And for a change No.6 is not who is at the bottom of it, but that No.12 of administration. It was he who deliberately sabotaged the electrics of 6 private, yet to suit both their purposes the blame was laid firmly at the feet of No.6. He was offered the possibility of imprisonment or a fine, No.6 said he would take the fine, to pay nothing. As was the fine of 20 credits units issued by the judge in the embryo room of ‘Once Upon A Time’ for speeding. "20 credit units, nothing." This rather than face solitary confinement, as he is already in one kind of prison!

    Have you observed how both the Butler and the observer-No.240 in ‘Dance of the Dead’ wear their capes inside out? True they do, the brown lining on the outside and the colourful stripes on the inside. Perhaps its a question of not wanting to look ridiculous, or worse this action being construed as a clear act of defiance to be different. After all the Butler is one, who like No.6, does not wear his penny farthing numbered badge of identification. And No.240 does protest against the sentencing of No.6 at his trial of Dance of the Dead. "It's the rules my dear" No.2 tells Little Bo Peep-No.240. But what are they, has anyone ever seen these rules? Perhaps they are referring to Magna Carta!

    In ‘Free For All’ it is No.6's predictability that sees him "run for electoral office," they knew what they were doing in having those placards prepared printed Vote for No.6 and those of No.6's face upon them in time for the election. Of course the village administration knew No.6 could not refuse to take up No.2's challenge, just as the Labour Exchange manager knew that once No.6 had been elected he would try and instigate a mass breakout. It was No.6's own predictability that was his own undoing here!

    Having viewed both ‘The Schizoid Man’ and ‘The General’ many times previously, I had observed that when No.6 pulls up the left sleeve of his blazer to show the mole which he hasn't got, that the stainless steel strap of his wrist watch is already open! this I found very strange, to be wearing a wrist watch with the strap undone. And No.2 in ‘The General’ puts his sun glasses on over his spectacles! I thought this cannot be right, No.2 must surely take off his spectacles before donning the sunglasses. However having gained the Prisoner on DVD I was able to put an end to such mystery, as a frame by frame the viewing of this scene in ‘The Schizoid Man’ on DVD revealed that No.6 did in fact unclip the stainless steel strap of his wrist watch. It is a frame you do not see when viewing it normally, and I was wrong about No.2 taking off his spectacles in ‘The General,’ he does put his sun glasses on over his spectacles. And where there is a frame of film missing, you will find, in some of the end credits to the Prisoner episodes an incomplete canopied Penny Farthing bicycle! I leave it to you to spot which they are, if you have not already long since done so that is.
 What a man No.2 is of ‘Checkmate,’ sitting crossed legged on the floor of his office, attired in judo outfit, with a length of balsa wood placed on two blocks in front of him. "Kaaa!" then splits the balsa wood with one swift blow of the side of a hand, very impressive!

Be seeing you

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