Monday 1 July 2013

Thought for The Day

   The Prisoner-No.6 may have rejected his number, seeing that '6' is the number of his cottage. "Is your number 6?" asked the telephone exchange operator "That is the number of this place!" was No.6's response.
    Well No.6 may not have liked being reduced to being nothing more than a number, however he has had previous experience of being a number. In the episode of ‘Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling’ we learn that the Prisoner-No.6 had been previously known by the code number ZM73. So seeing how in his former profession, the Prisoner had been known by a number then, why is he so touchy about numbers in the Village? Name or number, what's the difference, it doesn’t make no difference. After all what's in a name or number? It’s what's inside that counts, that is where our individuality and identity is maintained. You can call the Prisoner what you like, but unless you brainwash him, you can never take away who he is! The only question is, who is he?

Be seeing you

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