Tuesday 2 July 2013

Thought For The Day

   One thought I had yesterday, was that at certain times of the year, the tide at Portmeirion goes out for days before returning, as anyone who has stayed at the Italianate Village will know. So I transferred that idea to the morning of 'Many Happy Returns,' when No.6 woke to find the Village deserted. And my thinking was, that the tide was out, making escape by sea impossible! So what then?
   Well instead of going to all that trouble of building a sea-going Kon Tiki style raft, No.6 could have simply loaded the Mini-Moke {Village Taxi} with cans of petrol {remembering that he'd found the oil drums in the episode} and provisions, No.6 could have simply driven across the estuary and beyond. Whatever happened after that, well that's sadly where my thinking breaks down, apart from a long journey over land. Perhaps picking up a road somewhere. The problem is No.6 spent 25 days at sea before he was washed up on the beach at Beachy Head, I've no idea how he would get to that point by Village Taxi, and that is where my thinking breaks down!

Be seeing you


  1. In going by car No. 6 would hardly be a modern day Odysseus who he's become through the now classical MHR episode. Even if perhaps his journey, to some degree, would have been easier and less dangerous than on sea as we've already been discussing. Instead, imagine an engine breakdown, a long walk to the next farmhouse... And I don't think the way writer Anthony Skene's script describes all this as an odyssey is pure coincidence. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,

      Yes, there is much truth in your comment. It was a thought I was playing around with in my head. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but a little slapdash, and it does have it's limitations I have to admit.

      Very kind regards
