Sunday 7 July 2013

Thought For The day

     During the day of the Prisoner's arrival in the Village, as he approaches the central Piazza, a small Village Guardian appears on the water spout of the fountain. No.2 gives the order to “Be still.” Yet a young man in a striped jersey starts to run around in circles in the central Piazza. The Guardian, having expanded in size, attacks the young man, it’s a suffocating experience! There seems no rhyme nor reason for this attack, unless it’s simply because the Guardian detected the young man’s movement after having been ordered to “Be still.” This would suggested that the Guardian reacts to movement, like a shark reacts to the actions of a swimmer. This could also be a demonstration for the benefit of the new arrival, to show what he will be faced with should he try to escape or even to simply get out of line. Or perhaps it was for the benefit of the television viewer!

Be seeing you

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