Thursday 8 August 2013

60 Second Interview With Napoleon Bonaparte

   Dr. Schnipps: “Don't you think it's clever. Aren't I an extraordinary man?”
    No.113 : “Crazy! Those who claim to be Napoleon Bonaparte, are generally speaking - mad!”
    Dr. Schnipps: “But clever with it, you must admit that. After all, I've managed to hide the rocket.”
   No.113b “Smile” {click goes the camera}
    “The rocket in the lighthouse!”
    “Oh. I say, you're not the Duke of Wellington are you?”
    “And the plan is to destroy London.”
    “Yes. In one hours time London will lie entirely in ruins!”
    “Chelsea Barracks - Wembly football stadium - Bond Street? And they'll be no more. Trafalgar Square, It'll be Napoleon Square. And of course Nelson's column will be Napoleon's column.”
    “So, it's not a neutron bomb then?”
    “What isn't?”
    The Warhead of the rocket.
   “Then how can you possibly offer Bond Street to your daughter - Wembly football stadium to the Scottish Marshal when they'll be lying entirely in ruins?”
    “But it will be a great day for the Welsh Nationalists!”
    “Aren't you Welsh?”
    “Schnipps isn't a Welsh name is it?”
    “No, it's German!”
    “And this plot to destroy London isn’t original you know.”
    “Hugo Drax tried it back in nineteen fifty-five.”
    “Oh look, it’s time to start the countdown!”
    “Drax died in a Russian submarine when the Moonraker rocket was reprogrammed by James Bond to a new target, that submarine!”
    “Well there’s not much danger of that. There’s no James Bond here, only Mister X, and he’s tied up in a chair over there. What’s more I’ve a fast boat to escape in, not a submarine! And now I’ve set the countdown for the rocket to blast off, nothing can go wrong………”
    No.113b “Smile.” {click goes the camera}

Reporter No.113
Photographer No.113b

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