Thursday 1 August 2013

It’s Your Funeral

    It was once written that for one person the episode of ‘It's Your Funeral’  is one of the most straightforward episodes in the Prisoner series. Well I suppose it could be said, if you forget about why No.6 ever got involved in the first place, as he was very reluctant to do. When Monique-No.50 came to No.6's cottage looking for help, he told her to go to the Town Hall where the citizens council offers help and advice ot everyone. He sees it as some plot against himself, and refuses to get involved. After all No.6 doesn't trust anybody, and is suspicious of anyone, "once bitten forever shy" as he puts it, which does seem in keeping with the nature of his character. You will also recall how No.6 does not try and settle down, refuses to co-operate, and has grown to have as little to do with other members of the community as possible. When anyone comes knocking on his cottage door, he doesn't always answer. That's why the Supervisor-No.28 saw to it that the door to No.6's cottage was unlocked in time for No.50's arrival there, so that she would have access.
ot only disappointment, but confusion and bewilderment! No.2 cannot accept that there's nothing written on those sheets of paper. There has to be something written on them, words, figures, anything. He cannot understand why No.6 should hide blank sheets of paper in the cabin of the Stoneboat, so therefore something must be written on them. Has No.2 never heard of Jammers?!
   As for "Appreciation Day" that appears to be completely pointless, and as much of a farce as that of the democratic elections of Free For All!
   In my opinion there is only one clear aspect of Its Your Funeral, which some see as No.6's reluctance to escape. In the fact that No.6 cannot escape the village using the explosive detonator as a "bargaining chip," because there is no-one No.6 can trust to take up his position against the new No.2, in the same way he did, whilst the retiring No.2 escapes by helicopter.

Be seeing you

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