Wednesday 7 August 2013

Pictorial PRIS6NER

    The above picture was taken through routine surveillance. A you can see Un-Two is about to enter the Village Shop which caters for all your needs, just as long as those needs do not include food! As the Village shop sells everythging from maps of the Village to all forms of household goods, all with the map of the Village transfer printed on them!
   So back to un-Two who is a Two Impersonator. This man may look like Two but you will know he is not Two, because he is not Two. He may appear in the Village in a dishevelled state, which has elements of resemblance to Two. He may claim to be Two, But he is not, and must be treated as someone who is not Two. He is a danger to the Village. The un-Two is about to enter the Village shop. But just a minute, there another un-Two passing by, and 313 doesn't even notice!

Be seeing you

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