Monday 12 August 2013

School Days

"Those were the days, the days that are gone. The faces forgotten, the memories linger on........"

     Here he is, our prize pupil No.6 who has been found playing truant on the beach, and what's more he's been caught by the prefects! It seems that they don't want No.6 to be late for the Professor's next lecture.
    Ist Prefect: “You had better come with us Number Six
    No.6: “Why?”
    Ist Prefect: “The Professor is about to give his next lecture.”
    No.6: “What's it about?”
    “The Professor's lecture.”
   “How should I know?”
    “Aren't you one of his students?”
    “Well then.”
    “I think its history.”
    “Do you think he'll make it?”
    “The Professor, he's due to lecture in a few minutes.”
    “I know. I was about to tell you that!”
    “I'm psychic, I read minds. You just as Number Twenty-four.”
    “Look are you coming with us peaceably, or do we have to use force?”

    “Your pal doesn't say much does he.”
    “He's the strong silent type.”
    “And you're the intellectual one.”
    “Look come on, get in the taxi.”
    “Why not?”
    “Because I'm going to stand up to you school bullies!”
    “Why you snivelling little creep!”
    “Names can't hurt me.”
    “Look Number Six, give us your dinner money and we'll say no more about it you odious little tic!”
    “Get knotted!”
    “Look Number Six there are two of us.”
    “Yeah, and I know origami!”
    “Look, we don't want any trouble from you Number 6.”
    “Then why come looking for it?”
    “Think you're tough don't you. Just because you're Captain of the boxing team!”
    “I can shoot and fence as well you know.”
    “Look be reasonable Number Six. Let us give you a lift back to school.”
    “No. I'm going to stop here and have a smoke.”
    Park Drive or Woodbines?”
    “I smoke Senior Service!”
    “Not Number Six?”
    “Number Two smokes Players No.6, he went into the General Store and ask for twenty Number Six!”
    “Are you trying to be funny?”
    “That's what the Shopkeeper asked! I mean it was bad enough that time when there were just two of you in the Village.”
    “Lets go.”
    “Back to the Village. The Professors due to lecture in a few minutes.”
    “But I thought you didn't want to go.”
    “Anything’s better than standing here listening to you taking the **!! out of me!”
    “Look mister. We're not school bullies. We're Prefects.”
    “Same difference!
    "Get in. You'll be late for school!”
    “Shall we sing the school song as we go?”
    "These are the days......................................”

Be seeing you

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